


We believe the Bible to be the inspired and infallible Word of GOD.


We believe in and worship the true GOD, one GOD in three persons; GOD the Father, GOD the Son, and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT.


We believe that sin resulted in the fall of humanity and separation from GOD.


We believe humanity is sinful by nature and by choice, and is in need of a Savior for redemption and restoration to fellowship with GOD.


We believe that JESUS is the only begotten Son of GOD, both fully GOD and fully human.


WE believe that His crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection was the ransom for sin that restored fellowship.


We believe that HE is presently seated at the right hand of GOD the Father, with all power in His hands.


We further believe in the redemptive work of JESUS CHRIST on the cross of Calvary as the only answer to humanity’s sin problem.


We believe that salvation is obtained by grace through faith. All who confess with their mouth that JESUS is Lord, and believe in their heart that GOD has raised Him from the dead shall be saved.


We believe the HOLY SPIRIT initiates the process of salvation and is active in the conviction, conversion, and regeneration of the believer.The HOLY SPIRIT further performs a special work in the heart and life of the believer that is subsequent to and apart from the conversion experience through the process of sanctification, whereby the HOLY SPIRIT cleanses and purifies the heart of the believer by removing the ‘old’ nature and fills the cleansed heart with the presence and power of the HOLY SPIRIT, enabling the believer to live a life of ‘Holiness.’


We also believe that the HOLY SPIRIT gifts every believer with spiritual gifts for the purpose of furthering the Kingdom of GOD.


We believe in the second coming of JESUS CHRIST to ransom the Church and to judge the world. We believe in the new heaven and the new earth, and that GOD will judge and reward us according to our works.


This we proclaim. This we believe.


Equipping believers for divine deployment


The good news of Jesus Christ transforming individuals, families, communities and our city.

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